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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than two weeks ago
Male, 49 years, born on 22 June 1975
Not looking for a job
Aktau, willing to relocate (Aksay (Kazakhstan), Aktobe, Almaty, Astana, Atyrau, Kyzylorda), prepared for business trips
Reservour&Production engineer
12 000 000 ₸ in hand
- Other
Employment: full time, part time, project work, work placement
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work
Work experience 26 years 4 months
October 2020 — currently
4 years 6 months
ТОО "КМГ Инжиниринг" "КазНИПИмунайгаз"
Начальник отдела аналитических исследовании
Организация, планирование и участие в работах Отдела аналитических исследований
по АО КБМ. Распределение обязанностей между работниками Отдела и контроль за их исполнением. Участие в разработке нормативных технических документов в области стандартизации, разработке внутренних документов Товарищества. Мониторинг и экспертиза проектно-технических документов по части анализа разработки и эксплуатации месторождений. Анализ и выработка корректирующих мероприятий по скважинам для достижения плановых показателей. Анализ и выработка рекомендации по снижению количества нерентабельных скважин. Постоянная работа над повышением профессионального уровня.
May 2018 — currently
6 years 11 months
Филиал ТОО "НИИ ТДБ, ТОО "КазНИПИмунайгаз"
May 2019 — September 2020
1 year 5 months
ТОО КМГ Инжиниринг КазНИПИмунайгаз
Oil and Gas... Show more
Старший инженер
Аналитика и проектирование нефтяных и газовых месторождений
March 2017 — May 2018
1 year 3 months
Design institute Optimum
Aktau, opm.kz/
Senior specialist
Department: «Analyzing and optimization of field development»
August 2013 — February 2017
3 years 7 months
"Geo Engineering Technology Center" LTD
Oil and Gas... Show more
Position: Director
Participation in projects: ``Design supervision for realization project of Uzen (gas) field''. ``Design supervision for realization project of West Tenge field''; ``Design supervision for realization project of Aktas field''; ``Design supervision for realization project of S.Nurzhanov field''.
Job descriptions: Management of the department. Analyzing of field data and development of geological-technical action plan; designing of fields, bases and calculation of ORI, test calculations of main development indicators;
June 2012 — December 2013
1 year 7 months
"Ken-Sary" LTD
Lead Reservoir Engineer
Department: ``Reservoir Engineering''
Position: Lead Reservoir Engineer
Job description: Analyzed working modes of producing well stocks, speeds and well saturation characters, work efficiency of workover crews. Preparation and analyzing of development, current development condition and isobar maps. Preparation of monthly reports and other geologic documents together with Geology department connected with data generation on current development conditions. Preparation of report on fluids moving, oil extraction, and preparation of action plans as per forms and approved terms. Participate in analyzing of current development conditions and geological report. Calculate actual operational coefficients and geological reports. Survey, analyze and process testing data; unify and systemize them, perform necessary calculations by using modern calculating machine.
Participate in preparation of annual plans on testing.
Participate in preparation of annual program together with geology division on stimulation of well flow, prepare monthly efficiency report on bottom-hole treatment. Keep control of documents submitted by well workover teams with regard to formation pay zone effect.
To make offers on implementing of new methods on well flow stimulation methods.
January 2013 — August 2013
8 months
Design institute Optimum
Aktau, opm.kz/
Senior specialist
Department: ``Design and hydro-dynamic modeling of oil and gas fields''
June 2004 — May 2012
8 years
"Science Production Center" LTD
Lead Engineer
Department: ``Design and hydro-dynamic modeling of oil and gas fields''
Position: Lead Engineer
Participation in projects: ``Design supervision for realization of Pridorozhnoye Severnoye Karakgiye field process scheme''; ``Development project of Burmasha field''; Technical base for extraction of Cretaceous deposit gases of Kalamkas field; ``Technical scheme of development of Oimasha field''.
Defeated in CDC: ``Design supervision for realization of Pridorozhnoye, Severnoye Karagiye process scheme''; ``Technical scheme of development of Oimasha field'' and ``Development Draft of Burmasha field''.
Job descriptions: Analyzing of field data and development of geological-technical action plan; designing of fields, bases and calculation of ORI, test calculations of main development indicators;
Department: «Analyzing and optimization of field development»
Positions: Senior Engineer, Lead Engineer.
Participation in projects: ``Chemical injection process efficiency analyzing in Kalamkas field''; ``Technical scheme of development of Pridorozhnoye, Bekturily field;'' Calculation of reserves of Oimasha field, North Akkar.
Job descriptions: Analyzing of oil production, fluids and injection of chemical agents;
Development of geological-technical action plans for stimulation of oil well production.
Department: ``Technical maintenance of field development''
Position: Lead Engineer
Participated in projects: ``Optimization of operational well stock funds of Zhetibay field''; Development analyzing of South Zhetibay field.
Job descriptions: Analyzing of field data and development of geological-technical action plans, bases for oil and gas producing methods;
December 1998 — May 2004
5 years 6 months
"Oil Services company" LTD
Operator, Tehnolog, senior master
Shop: ``Workover
5th grade, Lead Foreman, Process Technologist.
Job descriptions: Analyzing and control of current and regular wells workover.
Design supervision, Workovers, field development, Technical maintenance,
Skill proficiency levels
About me
Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Access, Corel Draw Suite, Ехсеl
Higher education (master)
Satbayev university
Oil engineering, Oil engineering
petrochemical, Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: Kazakhstan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter