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Мужчина, 34 года, родился 17 октября 1990
Рассматривает предложения
Аксай (Казахстан), готов к переезду, готов к командировкам
HSE Engineer / Senior Safety Specialist / Safety Leadership & Culture / Emergency Response / ТБ
- Инженер по охране труда и технике безопасности, инженер-эколог
Занятость: полная занятость
График работы: полный день, сменный график, вахтовый метод
Опыт работы 13 лет 6 месяцев
Октябрь 2023 — по настоящее время
1 год 6 месяцев
KPO b.v.
Аксай (Казахстан), KPO.kz
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Senior Safety Specialist of Safety Culture Department
Develop and implement initiatives to strengthen the safety culture at all organizational levels.
Act as a Safety Leadership & Culture (SLC) Coach, applying methodologies learned during training with JMJ, which supported the program’s implementation at KPO.
Coordinate and manage the Safety Leadership & Culture program, ensuring alignment with company goals and industry best practices.
Conduct training sessions, coaching sessions, and leadership workshops focused on safety culture and behavioural safety.
Lead and coordinate a network of ~100 trained coaches who completed the Train the Trainer program.
Organize coaching sessions, manage scheduling, and liaise with leadership to ensure effective implementation.
Facilitate feedback mechanisms, including data collection, program evaluation, and reporting.
Collaborate with internal and external HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) experts to enhance safety leadership initiatives.
Organize and oversee awareness programs to enhance risk perception and safe behaviour among employees.
Develop guidelines, instructions, and training materials for implementing best practices in safety leadership.
Monitor compliance with corporate safety standards and participate in incident investigations.
Prepare reports and presentations for senior management on program implementation progress and key findings.
Август 2019 — Октябрь 2023
4 года 3 месяца
KPO b.v.
Аксай (Казахстан), www.kpo.kz
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Safety Support Coordinator
Developing informational and training materials for HSE programs and campaigns, schedule.
Timely updating Emergency Response (ER) system documentations (level II and III); informing personnel of changes in ER system.
Developing annual schedule for ER exercises and table-top discussions and to assist in preparation and conduct of the full-scale emergency response exercises. Monitoring of implementation of all corrective actions as a result of integrated exercises and ensure their timely completion
Coordinating HSE Leadership Tour program (level 0 – 3) including tours schedules, collation of HSE Tour reports and analysis
Forecasting, issuance and disposal of PPE through the SAP program
Conducting acceptance tests and regular spot checks of supplied PPE for compliance with specifications
Май 2019 — Август 2019
4 месяца
KPO b.v.
Аксай (Казахстан), www.kpo.kz
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Safety Support Specialist
Maintaining Incident Management Centre in Czech Camp and its fallback site in Samal-2 fully equipped and functional, including regular inventory, timely update of documentation and maps; operable IT&T equipment and software’s, inventory, stationary.
Assisting in the activities related to Emergency Management System including preparation for the exercises, provision of training to Level II and III team members;
Monthly reports preparation regarding HSE tours.
Registering HSE tour reports in the Synergi base.
Monitoring execution of PPE contracts and performance of PPE Suppliers.
Сентябрь 2014 — Май 2019
4 года 9 месяцев
Halliburton International Inc., Branch in Kazakhstan
Аксай (Казахстан), www.halliburton.com
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HSE Coordinator
Karachaganak field. Facility – Eco Centre.
Area of responsibility: Liquid Mud Plant, Liquid Treatment Plant, Rotary Kiln Incinerator.
Customer - KPO.
Conducting HSE meeting according to HSE plan. (Tuesday – HSE meeting for drivers, every Sunday – weekly HSE meeting, at the end of the month – monthly HSE meeting). Participating on daily SPVs tool box talk. Participating on customer HSE meetings.
Documents preparation: HSE instruction by professions and type of work, HSE plan, Emergency Response Plan, Emergency Response Interaction Plan, Monthly HSE statistic report, HSE KPI report, HSE orders.
Weekly HSE walk around with supervisors. Nonconformities report preparation. Weekly HSE tour with Customer. Corrective action plan preparation. Every month walk around by Hazard Hunt program.
Every month – vehicle inspection according to check list.
PTW checking, preparation of Risk Assessment with work performing authority. Participation on PTW HSE meeting.
Preparation of dill plan. Conducting of drill with Customer. By company order was appointed as responsible person for evacuation.
Accounting and control: spill kits, first aid kit box, eye wash station, emergency shower.
Conducting trainings by KPO HSE cards. Conducting trainings by internal Hazard Observations Card program. Monthly selection of the best HOC cards.
Октябрь 2013 — Август 2014
11 месяцев
ТОО "НурГазКурылыс"
Перевозки, логистика, склад, ВЭД... Показать еще
Менеджер Департамента профессиональной и экологической безопасности
Document management (development of regulations, schedules, plans, instructions, issuance of orders, directives, and decrees, preparation of reports, statements of completed work, issuance of work permits, etc.).
Business correspondence with external organizations.
Participation in and conducting workplace certification for working conditions, occupational safety certification at the enterprise, and organization of medical examinations.
Participation in the work of the enterprise’s certification and examination commission.
Октябрь 2011 — Октябрь 2013
2 года 1 месяц
Аксай (Казахстан)
Перевозки, логистика, склад, ВЭД... Показать еще
Инженер по безопасности и охране труда
Ensuring compliance with legislation, procedures, instructions, rules, and regulations on occupational health and safety (HSE), industrial sanitation, civil defense, emergency situations, and the safe operation of lifting equipment in all company divisions.
Monitoring timely training of employees in safe work methods, conducting HSE induction briefings for newly hired personnel, and verifying knowledge of safety regulations among workers, drivers, and operators.
Ensuring proper record-keeping in fire safety briefing logs and technical inspection logs for lifting equipment.
Controlling compliance with safety and fire protection requirements during excavation, hot work, and installation activities.
Уровни владения навыками
Опыт вождения
Имеется собственный автомобиль
Права категории B, CОбо мне
Punctual, goal-oriented, diligent, communicative, responsible
Высшее образование
Политехнический, Приборостроение
Знание языков
Повышение квалификации, курсы
Wild Geese Group , OPITO approved Major Emergency Management Initial Response (MEMIR)
«Внутренний аудитор Интегрированной Системы Менеджмента ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018»
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения