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Male, 32 years, born on 8 July 1992

Not looking for a job

Aktobe, willing to relocate (Aksay (Kazakhstan), Aktau, Aktobe, Aktyubinsky, Almaty, Astana, Atyrau, Beineu, Zhanaozen, Uralsk), prepared for business trips

Environmental Engineer, ELC Lead, ELC Coordinator, Ecologist, HSE Specialist

450 000  in hand

  • Other

Employment: full time, project work

Work schedule: full day, rotation based work

Work experience 7 years 10 months

February 2019currently
6 years 2 months
Consolidated Contracting Engineering & Procurement, FGP WPMP Blue Project
Environmental Engineer
Successfully developed the Company’s ELC Implementation Plan, Waste Management Plan, Water and Wastewater Management Plan, Spill Response Management Plan and conducted Pre-Construction Environmental Survey. Moreover, under my supervision the company successfully passed Environmental Assurance Audit conducted by TCO (official score 98% out of 100%). Duties: - reporting, investigating and implementing corrective and/or preventive actions resulting from Environment, Labor, and Community Contractor Implementation Plan (ELC CIP) incidents; - ELC reporting to TCO and Governmental Agencies; - promoting and encouraging the culture of working in an environmentally friendly way and setting a positive example for all other personnel; - ensuring regular site inspections of site activities have been carried out and audits results to recommend improvements and correcting environmental related non-compliances; - ensuring that all personnel are inducted and trained in their ELCCIP roles and responsibilities; - Planning and carring out safety and environmental inspections and audits of subcontractors; - Representing the Company at ELC meetings.
September 2018March 2019
7 months
“Khan-Sultan LTD” Environmental Consulting Company
Executive Manager/Chief Ecologist
Successfully completed over 20 Environmental Permitting projects and conducted several public hearings in 7 months. Reference letters from clients are available upon request. Duties: - representing the company at meetings with clients and governmental officials; - conducting public hearings, gathering data for projects; - developing clients’ environmental permitting documents including emission permitting documents, waste management plan, wastewater treatment plans, hazardous waste passports, emission inventory of greenhouse gases; - monitoring approval and follow-up correction process; - sampling and taking measurements in the field; - conducting quarterly environmental monitoring process and technical reports; - marketing; - carrying out financial transactions.
April 2013June 2014
1 year 3 months
“Aliya & Co” Environmental Consulting Company
Duties: - communicating with clients’ environmental representatives; - gathering data for projects; - developing clients’ environmental permitting documents including emission permitting documents, waste management plan, wastewater treatment plans, hazardous waste passports, emission inventory of greenhouse gases; - monitoring approval and follow-up correction process; - sampling and taking measurements in the field; - conducting quarterly environmental monitoring process and technical reports.


Skill proficiency levels
- Designing of chemical, biological and physical treatment of water and wastewater: 1) activated slu

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

Married, have a child.

Higher education

University of Ottawa, Canada
Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering in Environmental Engineering
K. Zhubanov Aktobe State University, Kazakhstan
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Bachelor of Ecology



EnglishC1 — Advanced

RussianC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

Министерство экологии, геологии, и природных ресурсов РК
РГП на ПХВ "Информационно-аналитический центр охраны окружающей среды", - “New approach to environmental regulatory in the updated Environmental Code of RoK”

Tests, examinations

British Council, Overall band - 7.0

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter