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ЗарегистрироватьсяБыла на сайте сегодня в 11:37
Женщина, 33 года, родилась 18 декабря 1991
Не ищет работу
Аксай (Казахстан), готова к переезду, готова к командировкам
Workface planner/Analyst/planning engineer
- Другое
Занятость: полная занятость, проектная работа
График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, вахтовый метод
Опыт работы 12 лет 5 месяцев
Февраль 2022 — по настоящее время
3 года 2 месяца
Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще
Planning engineer
- Interface meeting with another departments for discussion strategic plan of the project, negotiate and persuade for prioritization some goals;
- Coordinate the schedules from multiple contractors and vendors, and incorporate the information gath-ered into the overall project integrated master schedule.
- Monitor engineering, procurement, contract, regular affair, wellpad surface construction, main construc-tion, system completion, pre- and commissioning, start-up activities
- Obtain progress and actual dates from contractors and TCO personnel, and input into the overall project integrated master schedule.
- Updating and management of the detailed and summary project schedules using Primavera P6.
- Analysing technical drawings (P&Id, Isometric etc.) and providing material and cost estimates.
- Prepare report TAPP (Tengiz Asset Planning Process)
- Prepare weekly report 6 Week Lookahead
- Monitor contractor’s engineering schedules to ensure that the engineering deliverables are schedule to meet construction requirements. Provide weekly reports of engineering and procurement progress and identify to management areas of concerns and advise remedial actions and alternatives to maintain the schedule
- Baseline, Rebaseline schedule as per Engineering work packages
- Preparing all reports progress sheets, progress measured work sheet
Август 2021 — Январь 2022
6 месяцев
Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще
Project controls engineer (planning)
Implement and prepare plans and schedules L4 in Primavera and ROSER
Prepare daily and weekly reports for client
Prepare recovery plan
Updating progress in Primavera and ROSER program
Undertake resource loading of schedules to produce manpower histograms and Planned S-Curve.
Prepare and update on a weekly basis a Progress Calculation Report.
Undertake calculation of progress and productivity statistics.
Undertake periodic updates of schedule to show progress and impact of any trends or variations Undertake regular reviews of the schedules and progress reports to identify any trends, variations or concerns.
Assist Project Management in developing corrective action; Update the trend register on a weekly basis.
To provide information to senior management to enable a project to be managed effectively.
To provide schedules from summary to detailed level which optimize expenditure of time, resource utilization and cost.
Preparation of weekly and monthly planning / progress reports, regular project reports on status of projects.
To identify areas of concern and subsequent recovery action to minimize adverse trends.
Undertake reviews and analysis as directed by Project Controls Management.
Prepare regular status reports and forecasts for project management and client review.
Undertake controlling and checking Weekly Basis Reports (Cost, Man hours, Productivity).
Март 2020 — Июль 2021
1 год 5 месяцев
Workface planner
- Partecipate to the sessions with Construction representatives to agree on the Path of Construction and create the fabrication/erection sequence (coordinated by myself);
- Preparation of the Fabrication/Installation Work Packages (F/IWP) following Schedule and Construction needs (good Excel skill needed);
- Field constraints removal (materials, scaffold, safety and quality requirements, access zone, etc.);
- Partecipate to the development of the 3 weeks look ahead (3WLA), ensuring constraint free IWP’s, c/w scaffold plans if needed, etc;
- Daily/Weekly site walk-down with Supervisors to track IWP’s progress and report delays;
- Participate to the daily/weekly coordination meeting to address identified concerns and constraints;
- Loading piping progress relating IWP to system MileMate
- Prepare the hydrotest packages
Октябрь 2017 — Март 2020
2 года 6 месяцев
ISKER Consortium
Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще
Engineering group DCC Specialist/Planning Assistant
- Provision of document management support and services for all levels of the Company.
- Execution of Document Control Processes for engineering, projects, technical and corporate documentation.
- Analysis of the content of information for proper and correct registration and classification of the documents.
- Provision of support documentation and training materials for end users of Electronic Document Management Systems.
- Carry out of service for historical documents (archive VIC).
- Scanning, loading, registration of documentation into Spitch system.
- Archiving of technical passports, manuals of equipment into Spitch system.
- Liaise with Clients’ representatives.
- Management of the maintenance of manual and electronic document filing systems and ensuring the integrity of the information contained in those systems.
- Preparation and updating the technical documentation for Internal Review.
- Translation from English to Russian of all incoming and outgoing documentation, including all internal and external reporting, memorandum, manuals, guides.
- Controlling, monitoring and modify Project Spitch System.
- Carry out quality checks of all incoming and outgoing documents and drawings according to Company Project Quality Procedures.
- Filing of Documents / Drawings as per discipline/document code in accordance with the project filing system &Control all master files and all documentation process.
- Preparation of Monthly Document Control report.
- Implementation of work processes and procedures (Engineering Document Control, Correspondence Control, Archiving).
- Receiving / Updating Register all Incoming Documents / Drawings.
- Preparation Transmittals to Documents for distribution.
- Uploading of all documentation in EDMS/Core Worx.
- Updating all register documents
- Updating Red-line-As-built drawings (Code 1,Code 2,Code 3,Code 4)
- Preparation of all revisions of templates (P01, P02, C01, C02, A01).
- Preparation of final Handover Dossier and close out documentation.
- Working with program SIGEP for the correction and uploading of documents in database (Technical Query).
- Updating and working with MDR File.
- Sign out / close out all Commissioning Steps.
- Create Project, Crate project EPC & WBS
- Create Activity Codes & values, assign activity Codes to activities according to the type of discipline, area, project, etc…
- Create resource codes, resources, assign resources to the activities.
- Link activities according to logic and sequence using Relationship Types as: FS, SS, FF, FS
- Grouping/sorting & filtering using activity codes assigned to the activities
- Import & export of projects
- Utilize manhours into excel, create Progress S-curve, develop Weekly and Monthly Progress Report
Сентябрь 2011 — Июль 2016
4 года 11 месяцев
АО "Конденсат"
Аксай (Казахстан)
Нефть и газ... Показать еще
Engineer under technical documentation
Организую и участвую во внутреннем и внешнем аудите подразделений компании на соответствие требованиям ИСО 9001,18001, 14001 -требую от сотрудников компании устранения выявленных не соответствии
• обеспечиваю своевременную актуализацию специалистами подразделений внутренней документации компании в случае окончание сроков их действии или внесения в них изменений. • выполняю прием регистрацию, хранение и использование архивных документов
• актуализирую нормативную документацию, используемую на предприятий ГОСТ, СТ РК, ASTM и при необходимости провожу процедуру учетной регистрации в государственных контролирующих органах РК
• произвожу проверку проектной и исполнительной документации на полноту и в соответствии требованием действующего законодательства РК
• замеры атмосферного воздуха на приборе ГАНК-4АР
• формирую электронный вариант архива с внесением всех изменений в документацию
• введу отдельные реестры по направлениям разрешительных или других документов для которых определены сроки действия, а так же своевременно уведомляю ответственных лиц о необходимости пересмотра до окончания их срока действия
• осуществляю подготовку необходимой документации по требованиям вышестоящего руководства Компании или при наличии соответствующего распоряжения руководства в полном объеме и указанные сроки
• инструктировать работников структурных подразделений о порядке формирования, подготовки и сдачи дел в архив, контролировать своевременность поступления в архив документов
• обеспечиваю своевременное уведомление работников Компании о поступлении в архив новых информационных указателей стандартов, действующих на территории РК
• участвую в подготовке ежегодных отчетов по лицензиям Компании
• контактирую с уполномоченными органами по вопросам разработки и согласования документов, необходимых для производственной деятельности Компании, а так же при осуществлении ими проверок, аудитов, сертификаций и иных действий, связанных с вопросами технической документации
• обеспечиваю компанию электронной базой нормативно-технической документацией
• участвую в обучаемом процессе технического персонала Компании
I organize and participate in the internal and external audit of the company's divisions for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001, 18001, 14001 -requirement from company employees to eliminate identified non-compliance
• I ensure timely updating by specialists of the internal documentation departments of the company in the event that the deadlines for their action expire or are amended. • I accept reception of registration, storage and use of archival documents
• I update the normative documentation used at GOST, ST RK, ASTM enterprises and, if necessary, I conduct the registration registration procedure in the state control bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
• I check the design and executive documentation for completeness and in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
• measurements of atmospheric air on the HANK-4AR device
• I create an electronic version of the archive with the introduction of all changes to the documentation
• I will enter separate registries in the areas of permits or other documents for which the validity period is defined, and also promptly notify the responsible persons about the need for revision before the end of their validity period
• I prepare the necessary documentation for the requirements of the Company's senior management or if there is an appropriate management instruction in full and the deadline
• to instruct the employees of structural units on the procedure for the formation, preparation and submission of files to the archive, to control the timeliness of the receipt of documents in the archive
• I ensure timely notification to the Company's employees of the receipt in the archive of new information indexes of standards operating in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan
• I participate in the preparation of annual reports on the Company's licenses
• I contact the authorized bodies for the development and approval of documents required for the Company's operations, as well as in the implementation of inspections, audits, certification and other actions related to technical documentation issues
• I provide the company with an electronic database with normative and technical documentation
• I participate in the training process of the Company's technical staff
Уровни владения навыками
Обо мне
My name is Khairullina Zhuldyz, I am a citizen of Kazakhstan. From my research on your company, I believe there would be a good fit between my skills and interests and your needs. I have a strong background in computer and excellent presentational skills, and believe that these skills would benefit my and your company's needs. Enclosed is my resume which further outlines my qualifications.My qualifications and work experience make me well suited to the projects and challenging job. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss a position with you, and will answer any questions you may have and to see if you need any other information from me. Thank you for your consideration and found time.
Высшее образование
Евразийская академия, Уральск
Экономический, Учет и аудит
Машиностроительный, Нефтегазовое дело
Знание языков
Повышение квалификации, курсы
Oracle Primavera P6 Ver17 – Fundamental
Oracle Primavera P6 Ver17 – Fundamental, Oracle Primavera P6 Ver17 – Fundamental
ТОО "Сефтек Глобал Тренинг", BOSIET OPITO
Кадровое агенство ип "маяк"
• Курсы «По подготовке экспертов – аудиторов по подтверждению соответствия системы менеджмента качества ISO 9001
Зкф ао"нацэкс"
Кадровое делопроизводство
Кадровое агенство "маяк", Инспектор по кадрам
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения