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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 42 years, born on 19 February 1983

Not looking for a job

Aktau, willing to relocate (Aksay (Kazakhstan), Aktobe, Almaty, Astana, Atyrau, Uralsk), prepared for business trips


  • Geodesist

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, rotation based work

Work experience 11 years

August 2010March 2015
4 years 8 months
ТОО "Датоба Констракшн" Актау

Aktau, datoba.kz

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Инженер проектировщик, инженер по строительству
Инженерные работы связанные со строительством Took part in work up projects: Halliburton Mud Plant (Mangistau region, v. Bautino). Site engineer. Calculation of volume of excavation on object «Halliburton Mud Plant» (Project engineer). Logistic Centre Aktau (Kasmashal): 20х60 Sand blasting and painting building. (Project engineer). Designed by: Layout of foundation locations. Details. Foundations sections. Layout of blind area. Calculations of steel consumption per elements. Calculations of the cost materials. Calculations reinforcement, concrete and other materials. 20х40 Fabrication shop. Designed by: Layout of foundation locations. Details. Foundations sections. Layout of blind area. Calculations of steel consumption per elements. Calculations of the cost materials. Calculations reinforcement, concrete and other materials. Office of Logistic Centre Aktau. Designed by: Office foundation slab. Foundations plan, sections, details. Calculation materials. Logistic Centre Aktau tank foundation. Designed by: Tank foundation slab. Foundation plan. Details. Sections. Method Statement for the erection of steel and metal frame for winterised offshore building For «MI Drilling Fluids UK LTD» (Offshore EPC-3) (Site engineer). MI Swaco offshore winterised building slab foundation. (Project engineer) Designed by: Layout of foundation locations. Details. Concrete foundation. Anchors block details. Calculations reinforcement, concrete. «Kariertau» Atash plan. (Project engineer). Designed by: Location plan OMV. Office fit out – Aktau – Demolition works. (Site engineer). OMV. New office fit out. Teniz building Aktau. (Group Petrom, Kommunai). Site engineer. MAERSC. Office fit out – Aktau – Demolition works. (Site engineer). MAERSC. New office fit out. Aktau. Site engineer. Kvaerner Caspian – Earthworks Design. Aktau seaport. (Project engineer) Designed by: Civil and levels layout. Sections of soils. Plan the locations of markers. Cross and longitudinal sections of the soils. Location of earth mass. Sections of drainage. Plan the location of utilities. Boreholes locations. Sections. Soil investigation. MAERSK. New office fit out. Aktau. Site engineer. MAERSK. Fabrication and installation of pipe racks and pipe supports at PST01 and CGF «Dunga». (Project engineer). MAERSK-Sea Water Intake Station Dunga. Site engineer. MAERSK- Dunga Buildings. (Project engineer). MAERSK - Recreation Centre. (Project engineer). MAERSK–Design of Temporary Oil Flow Line at Dunga. (Project engineer). MAERSK-Construction of Pipework at PST-01/CGF at Dunga. (Project engineer). HEIDELBERG- Design of Desalination Plant, Foundations and Buildings. (Site engineer) HEIDELBERG- Fit out to Accommodation Unit in Shetpe. (Site engineer) HEIDELBERG- Desalination plant design. (Project engineer). HEIDELBERG- Water supply and water treatment system complex for the Cement plant in Shetpe village. (Site engineer).
May 2009August 2010
1 year 4 months
АО "НИПИнефтегаз"


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

инженер проектировщик и инженер по строительству
Инженер по строительству Joint-stock company JSC «OGCC KazStroyService», LLP «KazakhOilAktobe». (Project engineer) Project: Complex Gas Treatment Plant (CGTP) Alibekmola field Gas Preparation Unit (GPU) Kozhasai field Complex Gas Treatment Plant (CGTP) Alibekmola field Designed by: Water conduit well. Plans of supports. Sections. Calculation materials. Area for tanks 250 m3. Transition through the banning. Quads for tanks. Plan. Sections. Calculation. Area for tanks 100 m3. Transition through the banning. Quads for tanks. Plan. Sections. Calculation. The area cooling amine. Amine gas unit plant. Plan. Sections. Pumping station and fire extinguishing equipment. Plan. Sections. Chemical Laboratory. Plan the layout of plates. Sections. Unit. Gas Preparation Unit (GPU) Kozhasai field Designed by: Area of three chamber septic tank. Plan. Sections. Area of one chamber septic tank. Plan. Sections. Pumping station and fire extinguishing equipment. Plan. Sections. LLP «Kozhan» Project: Field development «Ogaisky» Designed by: Oil collection point. Manifold area. Supports plan. Sections. LLP «FIAL» Field «East Mortuk» Designed by: Oil collection system. Field camp. Living unit – VIP camp 4-th place. Foundation plan. Sections. Calculation reinforcement, concrete, embedded parts. Oil collection system. Field camp. Living unit – VIP camp 4-th place. Foundation plan. Sections. Calculation reinforcement, concrete, embedded parts. Technically supervision Expansion «Aktau international sea trading port in northern direction. A pier and a breakwater».Technically supervision of building. I checked welded joint, pipe closer, cementing, welding framework and cage of reinforcement. Point of gathering and delivery of oil swapping station «Каратон». Deposit arrangement «Ogaisky», LLP «КоЖан» LLP «Zhaikmunai» A gas pipeline «Chinarevsky NGKM» System of MG. Installations of preparation of gas and a warehouse hydro carbonic gas. LLP «Zhaikmunai» Took part in group under the decision of questions under the project «Chinarevsky oil & gas deposit ». Installation of preparation of gas and warehouse hydro carbonic gas. The representative from joint-stock company «NIPIneftegas» together with representatives of joint-stock company JSC «OGCC KazStroyService», LLP «Zhaikmunai» and « EXTERRAN» to Uralsk.
March 2008February 2009
1 year
ТОО "Жобалау"


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

инженер проектировщик
Инженер проектировщик Deposit arrangement «Karakuduk». Joint-stock company «Karakudukmunai» Arrangement of access roads for chinks in the Deposit «Karakuduk». Joint-stock company «Karakudukmunai» Building of a new hangar for repair-deposit «North Buzachi» Joint-stock company «Buzachi operating company»
January 2007February 2008
1 year 2 months
Мангистауская оценочная компания


Специалист оценщик
Специалист по оценке Estimating realty
March 2006January 2007
11 months
Областной Департамент строительства и архитектуры


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Ведущии специалист по строительству
Ведущии специалист по строительству Main expert in building
January 2004January 2006
2 years 1 month
ТОО "Оил Сервис Компани"


Помощник бурильщика
Помощник бурильщика 5 разряд Operator work over (underground repair)

About me

Быстро принимаю решение, самообладание, умею работать с коллективом, давать задание и добиваюсь отличных результатов. Умею обращаться с людьми и с подрядчиками или же заказчиками. Занимаюсь проектными работами.


Higher education

Актаускии Государственныи Университет им. Ш. Есенова
Нефти и Газа, Проектирование, сооружение нефтепроводов и нефтехранилищ, инженер механик



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

Certificate of Crosby Rigging training seminar. Training for Safety and Rigging Personnel involved in Rigging/Lifting loads
Regmarine, сертификат
Certificate of Training. Basic Offshore Safety and Emergency Training (BOSET) 9.10.10
Agip KCO, сертификат
Agip KCO Personal HSE Passport. 21/12/2010
Agip KCO, сертификат
H2S Awareness
Agip KCO, сертификат
Certificate of Safety and Labor Protection course
Agip KCO, сертификат

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter