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Male, 58 years, born on 22 May 1966

Moscow, metro station Fili, willing to relocate (Aksay (Kazakhstan), Almaty), prepared for business trips

Business consultant

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 42 years

January 2014currently
11 years 3 months
JW Business Coaching


Business English Consultant
/ International Recruitment and Selection Officer 2014 - Present Moscow/Yerevan Management and Leadership School * Delivering Business English teaching/ coaching programmes on a one to one basis at Russian senior corporate executive level. * Developing individual courses to meet student needs based on British business studies and everyday MBA strategy and tactics. Including tactical and strategic coaching and developing and fine tuning action planning and presentation skills. * Oversight and instruction in effective written and verbal communication including Linkedin branding, CV critical appraisal and advice on covering letter instruction. * Responsible for the administration and management of the recruitment and selection functionality of all potential student candidates. * Augmented and delivered Business Management lectures and key speeches to the International Management and Leadership College in Yerevan, Armenia.
January 2010currently
15 years 3 months
Prestige Asset Management

Russia, www.prestigefunds.com

Financial Sector... Show more

International Sales and Marketing Manager
* Responsible for the overall management of all strategic and operational Sales, Marketing and key account relationship management in given jurisdictions: Russia/China/East Mediterranean * Constant development and creation of new clients and customers under targeted conditions that continually add growth and strengthen the company's market position. * Responsible for the generation and conversion of all direct and indirect sales leads to maximise return and yield. Conducted business marketing campaigns by telemarketing, social media and direct mail. Established and managed an effective system database. * Managing and driving all sales functions whereby increasing growth, profit and revenue in a dynamic and cost effective basis to the organisation. Achieved by classical sales process, networking, prospecting, marketing, cajoling and nurturing all direct and none/indirect prospects, customers and relationships. * Strategy planning for the key delivery of pipeline new business, requiring a thorough insight of the market place. Excellent product knowledge of the company and its competition in order to remain market leading and attractive. * Achievement. Networked and developed a new, virgin territory in China during a 6 month secondment, resulting in Financial Sales of 2 Million USD. Meaning a generated income profit of 220K USD gross to the business.
January 1999January 2010
11 years 1 month
JW Finance
JW Mortgage and Finance Services Mortgage Services was an Independent Financial Services brokerage. It experienced 7 times exponential growth and its success was based on offering effective and pragmatic financial solutions to customers previously disengaged from the FS industry through treating customers fairly by way of cost saving solutions that improved creditability and quality of life. * Personally set up, developed and grew a profitable Financial Services Company. Principal owner directly authorised by the Financial Services Authority (UK). Direct responsibility, overseeing all operational activities, management and liquidity compliance management and oversight and regulatory diligence. * Managed and oversaw own business involving managing diverse, complex and at times conflicting elements of the company. Responsible for all aspects from operational management, marketing, driving sales, target setting, brand promotions to overseeing administration management, fulfilling financial responsibilities and customer care. * Achievement - Initiated, developed and managed own customer client bank totaling 1000+ client relationships during a10 year cycle, positively effecting new and repeat business. Developed profitable, continuous, new, returning and trail revenue streams.
January 1994January 2000
6 years 1 month
Howdens PLC

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

General Sales Manager
* Overall responsibility of commercial activities, operations, staff welfare and management, sales and revenue, maximizing profitability and margin growth. Over seeing P & L with consistent value added approach. * Proactively affected company, employee culture and mind set, through performance management and continuous improvement via standards, innovation and achievement of sales performance. * Built organization image by collaborating with its key accounts, customers, local government officials, community organizations. Maintained public relations attended business events as an ambassador to the business. * Conducted sales and marketing campaigns using an out of the box mentality, energizing alternative techniques and utilizing experience from previous Sales and Business development roles. * Provided leadership and vision to the company by assisting the Board and Senior Executives with the development of long range strategic annual plans, in combination with evaluation of technological and financial information by routine reporting and presenting recommendations and objectives. * Responsible for delivering and increasing company and management's effectiveness by communicating values, strategies, objectives and assigning accountabilities to Senior management team.
May 1993May 1994
1 year 1 month
International Travel
independent Travel
International Environments Independent Global Travel Canada, Hawaii, Fiji, Cook Islands, New Zealand, Australia, and Thailand.
April 1983May 1993
10 years 2 months
Royal Air Force

Government Organizations... Show more

Project Manager
Canada, Hawaii, Fiji, Cook Islands, New Zealand, Australia, and Thailand. * Engaged within the RAF leading essential support services developing departments, ensuring robustness and resilience. Managed numerous teams responsible for the Public Relations, Recruitment and Selection of its Officers and Airmen through public speaking at presentations, educational testing, interviewing and decision making ultimately engendering team spirit.


Skill proficiency levels
Business Development
Leadership Skills
Negotiation skills
Key Account Management
Public Speaking
Business English
Presentation skills
Marketing Analysis
Sales Skills
Brand Management
Account Management
Business Planning
Customer Service
Time management
Adobe Photoshop
MS PowerPoint
Driving Licence B

Driving experience

Driver's license category A, B, C

About me

I have over 25 years Business Experience. Worked in 9 countries traveled to over 60. i speak and understand Russian to below intermediary level. I work as an International Sales Manager and an Engllsh Business coach. I teach CEOs and Business Men to MBA Business level in Moscow. I teach a Master Class in Busness English at Skolkovo University. I have run my own Investment and Mortgage Business in the UK and have bought and sold international property in Europe. i have vast knowledge of Sales,Marketing leadership,Negotiation and Conflict Management . in addition to presentation and public speaking. .I have written many articles for Business platforms and the Moscow Expat Life and also spoken on Russian radio about Business and global related matters. I commend my skills, knowledge and expertise to any employer who wishes to add value to their business or staff. please read my Linkedin recommendations for further additional thoughts on what i can bring to your organisation.

Higher education (bachelor)

IE Business School
Business, Global EMBA
Leeds University
Business and Socal Studies, History
Salt Grammar School
General education, O Levels/Grades



FrenchA1 — Basic

RussianA1 — Basic

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Armenia, Great Britain, Russia

Permission to work: Armenia, Great Britain, Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter