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Мужчина, 40 лет, родился 27 марта 1984

Не ищет работу

Тараз, готов к переезду (Азербайджан, Аксай (Казахстан), Актау, Актобе, Алматы, Астана, Атырау, Другие регионы, Россия, Тараз), готов к командировкам

Директор производства

  • Начальник производства

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа

График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 17 лет 5 месяцев

Сентябрь 2024по настоящее время
7 месяцев


Нефть и газ... Показать еще

Engineer Incharge/Sales/ Производственный Директор
Управление компанией
Октябрь 2021по настоящее время
3 года 6 месяцев
Halliburton International INC, Branch in Turkey

Турция, Halliburton.com

Добывающая отрасль... Показать еще

Супервайзер/Координатор проекта
Ответственный за производство/тест и испытание скважин , пластов наземным оборудованием. Работа на проекте АНАДОЛУ 1 , Силиври.
Январь 2019по настоящее время
6 лет 3 месяца
National Petroleum Services

Королевство Саудовская Аравия

Well Testing Engineer _ Coordinator_ SAUDI ARABIA
Full Well Test Pakcage jobs , sand control system operations @ Saudi Aramco
Июнь 2018Декабрь 2018
7 месяцев
KazOil Services
Well Test Engineer Incharge
Measurements of well flow, back flow of the KTM(KazTurkMunai) wells , approx 50 wells
Апрель 2018Май 2018
2 месяца


Добывающая отрасль... Показать еще

Testing Engineer
Surface Well Testing Engineer
Июнь 2015Декабрь 2017
2 года 7 месяцев
Conslultant at OC99

Казахстан, oc99.com

Consultant in Testing and Managing (Well Testing, Drill Steam Testing, Tubing Conveyed Perforation, Downhole Gauges-Metrolog and PPS25-28),Service and Production Companies, I was Incharge of Sour Fluid Treatment Operations(for neutralising the H2S by using Chemicals), Well Head Maintenance Incharge
Engineer and Incharge, Field Service Manager in Service Companies like: SGS, SLB in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, Iraq, Russia, Oman for the positions mentioned above.
Август 2010Май 2015
4 года 10 месяцев

Ирак, www.oilserv.biz

Engineer Incharge for Field Operations
Tubing Conveyed Perforation Drill Steam Testing, Surface Well Testing Testing Data Acquisition Downhole Memory Gauges (PPS28/25,Metrolog Gaguges) SFT (Sour Fluid Treatment) Well Head Maintenance I was responsible for the operations in Iraq (perforation team). Kuristan Region, South of Iraq. Shout and poul, shout and drop, testing (preparation and completion), perforating and Testing Surface Well Testing (Testing Data Acquisition) by using Feket Software. Circulation of fluids by setting the packer, Calculations on setting the packer, burr, fluids and hydrostatic calculations and complete DST during Well Testing Regular reporting regarding the Safety of Health, Environment, Service Quality and making Suggestions. All other daily Field Operations. Monitoring and reporting well activity and well production, Direct and monitor the completion and evaluation of wells, well testing, and well surveys I participated on a Well Head Maintenance operations and coordinated Basrah-Bagdad Oil line Inspection and Pressure Test
Октябрь 2008Июль 2010
1 год 10 месяцев
Schlumberger Logelco.Inc

Актобе, www.slb.comhttp://www.smith.com

Field Engineer
- Shout and poul, shout and drop, testing (preparation and completion), perforating. - Surface Well Testing (Testing Data Acquisition) by using Feket Software. - Circulation of fluids by setting the packer, Calculations on setting the packer, burr, fluids and hydrostatic calculations. - Regular reporting regarding the Safety of Health, Environment, Service Quality and making Suggestions. - All other daily Field Operations. - Monitoring and reporting well activity and well production, Communication with (Oil Company) clients. - Direct and monitor the completion and evaluation of wells, well testing, and well surveys - I was in charge for following tasks in various oil companies like: CNPC, UOG, FIAL, ROXY, SAKHALIN ENERGY, LUNSKOE – A, Ravninnoe OIL LLP, Oman. PDO and other OIL companies at different locations including: Aktobe, Aktau, Uralsk, Atyrau Kazakhstan, Sakhalin Russia, Oman (PDO-Marmul), Abu Dhabi, France (Melun), Iraq (Erbil)
Август 2007Сентябрь 2008
1 год 2 месяца
International Airport. Almaty Kazakhstan.


Main Engineer for Airplanes AN-24, AN-26
- Maintenance and repair of various airplane engines based in the University of Monino. Moscow. Russia. - Responsible for the technical diagnostic of AN-26 plane before every flight and training. - Responsible for the technical diagnostic of AN-26 plane before every flight and training of the members of the technical support group. Almaty International Airport. Almaty. Kazakhstan


Уровни владения навыками

Опыт вождения

Имеется собственный автомобиль

Права категории B

Обо мне

• 1 year Aircraft Engineer experience (Planning Flights, Fixing Engines and Calculating Aerodynamics before flight) • 9 years Experience, Oil & Gas industry • Experience managing personnel (Engineers) • Multilingual: Kazakh (native), Russian (fluent), English (advanced), Turkish (fluent) • Skilled in elaboration and implementation of development, motivation, and retention projects • Educated young talents and managed trainings in Monino. Moskow. Russia • Production site work experience in DST/TCP/TDA/SWT • 5 years of foreign education • Adaptable, flexible, and possessing strong planning and people management skills • Decisive and self starting with proven leadership capabilities • Worked in an international environment where English is an official language for 2 years • Able to work under pressure and prioritize completing tasks within the deadlines • Able to establish and maintain effective relationships with clients and colleagues • Able to work efficiently individually as well as within a team • Willing to study and progress, hard working, initiative • Work as a Consultant for Service Companies (Last job with Schlumberger and SGS SWT/DST/TCP) I worked in a Testing Team including Sour Fluid Treatment where we Treated H2S, by Neutralizing liquid and burning only gases,

Высшее образование

DYNAWELL, OWEN Completion and Perforation
Dyna and Owen, Perforation
Surface Well Testing
SWT courses
Middle East and Asia Learning Centre. Abu Dhabi. Emirates.
Faculty of Drill Steam Testing and Tubing Conveyed Perforation.(Testing Engineering Profile 2), Certificate
Middle East Learning Centre. Paris. France
Faculty of Exploration and Production(Oilfield Services Courses 1), Cerfiticate
Air Forces Engineering Academy. Moscow. Russia.
Faculty of Technical Maintenance of Flight Vehicles and Engineering, Bechalor

Знание языков


АзербайджанскийC2 — В совершенстве

АнглийскийC2 — В совершенстве

РусскийC2 — В совершенстве

ТурецкийC2 — В совершенстве

Повышение квалификации, курсы

All Required Safety and Medical Certificates are Valid From 20 Jan 2018 till 20 Jan 2019
KPO, Safety (Production) Courses
Offshore, HSE Level -1-2, Fire Fighting, H2S, First Aid Trainings, Down-Hole Perforations Permition
Different, from worldwide, Valid,Certificates

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Казахстан

Разрешение на работу: Казахстан, Россия

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения