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Мужчина, 45 лет, родился 23 сентября 1979

Уральск, готов к переезду (Аксай (Казахстан), Актау, Алматы, Астана, Атырау, Уральск), готов к командировкам

IT Specialist, Security Systems Engineer, Telecommunication technician

  • Специалист по информационной безопасности

Занятость: полная занятость, проектная работа

График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 24 года 2 месяца

Сентябрь 2017по настоящее время
7 лет 7 месяцев
Dahua Technology Kazakhstan LLP (ТОО Дахуа Текнолоджи Казахстан)

Алматы, dahuasecurity.com/

Электроника, приборостроение, бытовая техника, компьютеры и оргтехника... Показать еще

Product manager
- Introduce new product features to the Channel Customer, help customer to select and configure products. - Respond to customers, to help solve technical problems; - Training technical staff of Channel Customer’s, helps them improve the level of technology; - Understand and consolidate customer demand for products, feedback to product department for product improvement; - Cooperate with sales staff, analysis of the practical needs of customers, provide a complete project plan; - To complete the project, the bidding work, to help customers make the tender documents, make project tender, according to the required standard; - Assist sales to determine phase of the operation of the project to understand the real project status, forecast project risk and seek the solution; - To coordinate resources, provide technical support; - Integrators to maintain good relationship with a third party, in engineering can recommend each other, mutual benefit and win-win progress; - Translations and preparing of technical specifications and technical documentation English to Russian, Chinese to Russian - IT support, technical support of the branch.
Январь 2014Сентябрь 2017
3 года 9 месяцев

Атырау, www.avencom.com/

Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

Security Systems Support engineer (video surveillance systems, access control systems, intrusion detection systems)
Security Systems Support engineer (video surveillance systems, access control systems, intrusion detection systems) Engineer support of electronic security systems (video surveillance (VSS), access control (ACS), intrusion detection (IDS), wire & wireless data transmission) onshore oil processing complex KASHAGAN (NCOC NV form Agip.) - Installation and configuration, maintenance, troubleshooting. Working with the hardware and software Bosch software, Apollo, Contronics, Redline, Canopy, D-Link, TP-Link, Evidence, Perco, Came. Provide technical support ACS (Apollo), CCTV (Bosch (VRM, iSCSI), Evidence). * Setting up these systems to needs of the users. * Installation and configuring wireless telecom systems. (Redline, Canopy Cambium networks) * Users support in the work with software, Bosch BVMS, Vidos * Provide maintenance of ACS, VSS * Records of videos on a variety of media, tuning of sensors, disconnection / connection technical options. * Installation / dismantling of elements (cameras, locks, sensors), reconfiguring ACS, VSS modernization. * Work with proximity card printers, repairing and adjustment. * Testing of the new software. * Work on the planning, design, implementation of new projects VSS systems and ACS (NCOC Atyrau Training Centre) Other. * Read the periodic paper and online literature. * Search and study of new technologies, techniques, programs. * Working on improvement of my qualifications, skills, in the necessary range.
Апрель 2006Декабрь 2013
7 лет 9 месяцев
KaR- Tel, LLP; Beeline, TM

Уральск, beeline.kz

Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

Lead IT department specialist
Providing users with technical support, administration and maintenance jobs (average 50), mobile workplaces (average 25), under Windows XP-7, mobile devices, monitoring and recording systems in space, video surveillance systems (ВН)(G4S). * User support on software such as Lotus Notes, Clarify CRM, Amdox Ensemble, 1C Accounting, Oracle, Citrix, Symantec Antivirus and various web-applications. * Providing maintenance and support of PC equipment, monitoring and recording systems in space, video surveillance systems. *Administration of the WinPAK system – setting up access to the magnetic cards of monitoring and recording systems in space, setting up time periods, setting up security devices in the premises, getting passage reports, intruder alarm actuation. * Administration of the RASPlus(ВН) system, recording the videos on various media, setting alarms cameras, disabling/connection, volume control, video. * Working with Honeywell HRXD9, HRXD16 DVRs, recording the videos on various media, setting alarms cameras * Installing/removing devices (cameras, locks, sensors), reconfiguring the monitoring and recording systems in space, video surveillance systems. * Initial installation, workstations testing and installation, printers, scanners, software etc. * New software testing. * Connecting the workstations to the network and troubleshoot network problems on workstations. * Installation, updating and supporting of standard and optional applications on workstations. * Troubleshooting in performance of operation system, standard and optional applications on workstations. * Upgrading and installation of additional equipment on workstations. * Implementation of preventive maintenance inspections on individual devices and components of PC equipment, conducting the test checks for timely detection of faults. * Interaction with service providers of office equipment and accessories * IT equipment accounting. * Advising open office employees and corporate department for USB-modems, mobile devices. Administration cabling system. * Cross patching compounds, changes in the administration cabling system configuration. * Participation on the stages of designing and construction administration cabling system with contractors Miscellaneous * Reading the periodic paper and online literature. * Searching and studying the new technologies, methods, programs. * Self-educating to the extent required and provided by the company * Submission of proposals aimed at improving the efficiency of the department.
Октябрь 2005Март 2006
6 месяцев
Provision of services to the population in private order


Электроника, приборостроение, бытовая техника, компьютеры и оргтехника... Показать еще

IT specialist
Repair and setup of computers, Internet connections and other equipment
Сентябрь 2004Октябрь 2005
1 год 2 месяца
Rafaelev IE


Электроника, приборостроение, бытовая техника, компьютеры и оргтехника... Показать еще

Sales manager, technical support specialist
* Organization of the sales, installation and setting up the PC hardware, networks, Internet-connection, software, PC assembling. * Working with English-speaking clients. * Accounting for sales of computers and office equipment. * Filling up, delivery and registration of invoices, way-bills, contracts etc.
Февраль 2002Август 2004
2 года 7 месяцев
Srednii Ural LLP, Samsung store


Электроника, приборостроение, бытовая техника, компьютеры и оргтехника... Показать еще

Computers and office equipment sales assistant
* working with customers, sale, installation and configuration of computer hardware, networks, Internet- connection, software, PC assembling. * Working with English-speaking clients. * Accounting for PC and office equipment.
Февраль 2001Январь 2002
1 год
«Ural-Polyplast» JSC


Химическое производство, удобрения... Показать еще

Accountant, specialist in customs clearance.
«Ural-Polyplast» JSC Uralsk — Industrial machinery, machine tools and accessories Accountant, specialist in customs clearance. 01.02.-05.04.2001 - recording of the finished products 02.03.2001.-10.01.2002- responsible for customs clearance 05.09.2001.-10.01.2002 - responsible for contracts Job description Sales department: negotiations, correspondence with customers and clients. Customs clearance (customs broker): − receiving goods from suppliers in the Russian Federation , their tracking, customs clearance of goods at the border (forwarding operation). − meeting the goods at the border, escorting them to the temporary storage of the enterprise warehouse. − Registration on the temporary storage: execution of the acceptance reports on the temporary storage, summary declarations, accounting on temporary storage. − gathering all the necessary documents for registration of cargo customs declaration (certificates, statements, declarations, quarantine certificates) − tracking of shipping and customs documents during the customs clearance and fixing of all the necessary formalities. − correspondence with the customs and tax authorities Responsible for contracts: - Preparation of contracts and other agreements - Registration the agreement passports of import (opening and closing the account) - Keeping records of contracts and their execution


Уровни владения навыками
Системы видеонаблюдения
Настройка ПО
Системы безопасности
Системы охранно-тревожной сигнализации
Настройка сетевых подключений
Wifi networks
Lotus Notes
Монтаж оборудования
Техническая поддержка
1С: Предприятие
Secuity Software
Английский язык
1C: Бухгалтерия
Product Marketing
Information Technology
Electronic systems installation
Windows 8
Windows Mobile
Android SDK
IBM Lotus Notes
Analytical skills

Опыт вождения

Права категории B

Обо мне

* Skilled and experienced in installation of SCS, the network equipment. * Installation of security systems, video surveillance systems * Analysis and fixing all the user equipment faults * Experienced in fixing problems with USB-modems and configuring the OS to work with them. * Communicative, appropriate training has been passed. * Driving license: B category. 17 years experience. * Self- mastered Microsoft DOS operating system, and the entire line of operating systems Microsoft Windows. * Studied technology of forming up and administration of local networks on the basis of Windows, installation and administration of the 1C program * Mastered the assembly and adjustment of several generations of computer technology in components from leading manufacturers, if necessary I can fix almost any PC, many types of office equipment. * It is easy to learn and understand new programs in Russian and English languages * While performing the duties I’m initiative, prioritizing, I can lead the execution of management orders.

Высшее образование (Бакалавр)

Kazakhstan University of innovation and telecommunication systems
PC equipment and software, IT specialist, bachelor
West-Kazakhstan agro-technical university after Zhangir khan, Uralsk
Accounting and auditing, Bookkeeping accountant and economist

Знание языков


АнглийскийC2 — В совершенстве

РусскийC2 — В совершенстве

Повышение квалификации, курсы

Сisco, CCNA Routing & Switching, in process
SEDICOMM University, Radio Engineering Department of National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI", Networking engineer
Apollo APACS ACS: Hardware and software
Apollo Security, Apollo security system design, configuration, programming and troubleshooting engineer.
Servicing HP Commercial Desktops, Workstations and Notebooks
ALSI TC, Almaty, IT-engineerdfd
№2277: Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure: Network Services
ALSI TC, Almaty, IT-Engineer
Security for OS Windows 2000/XP/2003
Informzashita TC, Moscow (via ALSI TC, Almaty), Information security specialist
№2272,Implementing and supporting Microsoft Windows XP Professional
ALSI TC, Almaty, IT specialist
Web-graphics & Web-design
IBC-group, Web-programmer
1С:Бухгалтерия 7.7
ANDAS TC, user

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Казахстан

Разрешение на работу: Казахстан

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения