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Male, 61 year, born on 22 November 1963

Almaty, willing to relocate (Aksay (Kazakhstan), Aktau, Aktobe, Astana, Atyrau), prepared for business trips

Chemist/ Lab Analyst

1 500 $ in hand

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time, part time, project work, volunteering, work placement

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 38 years 6 months

June 2009currently
15 years 10 months
Kommunai LLP (Aktau), OMV Petrom


Lab Supervisor
Setup and accreditation (certification) of two new laboratories for oil, gas, formation water, diesel fuel and compressor oil analysis: 1-st Lab in Oil & Gas Processing Plant and 2-nd Lab in KazTrasOil oil receiving terminal. Preparation of the documents for the lab run: Standard Operation Procedures, HSE Procedures, verification of GOST’s, ASTM’s, MSDS’s etc. Physical-Chemical Analysis of Crude Oil for: density, water content, chlorides content, solids, RVP, viscosity, fractional oil content, pour point, flash point, paraffine content, hydrogen sulphide and methyl- and ethyl- mercaptans, chloroorganic compounds.
August 2008May 2009
10 months
“BW Drilling Fluids & Waste Management” , ProTECH Oilfield Services
Technical Services Coordinator
Preparing and implementing drilling fluids programmes and taking part in drilling fluids tendering (company successfully won 3 tenders and worked in Aktobe field, Karagandy field and Aktau field). Project planning and field support on technical issues, implementation/administration of service quality. Management of day-to-day drilling fluids operations on rig sites: mud reports, recaps, planning and organizing logistics, etc.
July 2007August 2008
1 year 2 months
“Halliburton International Inc.”, Baroid Fluid Services, Karachaganak. Projects for KPO b.v.


Drilling Fluids Engineer on workover rig
Providing of fluids engineering services on the rig site for the workover. Maintaining required brine & mud properties during workover job. Mud checks, calculating hydraulics, chemical treatment of workover fluids and planning and organizing logistics required for the drilling fluids used at the rig site, conferring with the Company and Operator representatives.
May 2006July 2007
1 year 3 months
“Halliburton International Inc.”, Baroid Fluid Services, Aktobe. Projects for Kazakhoil Aktobe, Kaspineft, Aral Petroleum Capital


Drilling Fluids Engineer
Providing of well site service to customers of the Baroid product service line. Responsible for preparation water base drilling fluids suitable for the type of drilling operation and formation, performed mud checks, calculated drilling hydraulics, maintained well control, cementing, perforating, well completions, and supervised rig personnel in maintaining drilling mud circulatory system. Experience with a various Water Based Mud systems (Salt Saturated/Polymer, KCl Polymer, Lime Mud ), NaCl & CaCl Brines.
December 2004May 2006
1 year 6 months
“Core Laboratories”, Tengiz, Sour Gas Injection Project for Tengizchevroil


Chemist Engineer
PVT compositional analysis of reservoir fluids, oil and gas using Gas Chromatography and other Physical-Chemical methods. Special methods of safety lab testing of oil and gas with high H2S concentration. Development of Standard Operation Procedures for all the Lab activity. Training the Local Engineers in trainee.
April 2000November 2004
4 years 8 months
“Halliburton International Inc.”, Atyrau, Aktau


Chemist/lab technician
Design and testing of the fluids required on the oil-well cementing for the Kazakhstan and Caspian Region (for Tengizchevroil, Agip KCO, Petrokazakhstan, Kazakhoil(Aktobe) and other projects). Lab testing for the fracturing and acidizing works from time to time. I have trained 5 new local lab technicians for the company.
April 1997October 1999
2 years 7 months
“Coca-Cola Almaty Bottlers” CJSC, Almaty, (Kazakhstan)
at first: Chemical Engineer; later on: Quality Assurance Specialist
As a chemical engineer - Technology Process Quality Control, Water Treatment Quality Control; As a Quality Assurance Specialist - Applying The Coca-Cola Quality System (Analog of ISO 9001 Quality System) in the Company: -Development and Implementation Programs and Standard Operation Procedures for all the Plant activities, including: Purchasing, Manufacturing, Warehousing, Shipping, Distribution, Advertising, Sales, Merchandising, Marketing, Personnel Administration so as to meet standards of the Company and local regulations. -Monitoring and control of the warehouses and markets of Almaty and distribution centers of Kazakstan for product keeping, rotation and merchandising.
April 1995April 1997
2 years 1 month
“SAPA”, Kazakhstan’s Testing and Certification Center (Gosstandart)
Chief of the Physical-Chemical Department
Physical and chemical testing of various products for the certificates of conformance. Used methods of Gas Chromatography, Voltamperometry, X-ray fluorescence analysis, Spectrophotometric analysis. Lab Accreditation and Metrological Assurance.
September 1988April 1995
6 years 8 months
Academy of Science of RK, Institute of Organic Catalysis and Electrochemistry, (Kazakhstan).
at first: Chemical Engineer; later on: Research Specialist
Research activities in the field of petroleum industry: testing of oil, gas, organic chemicals using methods of Gas Chromatography, Spectrophotometric analysis, NMR and chemical analysis.
May 1986September 1988
2 years 5 months
Kazakh State University(Almaty)


Lab Analyst
Physical and chemical analysis of water, oil and application of new H2S corrosion inhibitors for oil & gas tubings

About me

Drilling Fluids Coordinator; Drilling Fluids Engineer; Mud Engineer; Cementing Engineer; Lab Supervisor, Chemist;


Higher education

Kazakh Polytechnic University
Oil and Gas Reservoir Engineering Department, Petroleum Engineer
Kazakh State University
Chemistry, Chemist



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

RussianC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

Chemical Laboratory: Operations, Equipments, Instruments, Quality & Safety
Masters; Consultancy, Solutions & Training; Dubai, UAE, Chemical Laboratory
Halliburton, Baroid Drilling Fluids Technology Courses (3 month)
Halliburton Training Center. Houston. USA, Certificates on Drilling Fluids Technology, MMS & IADC Well Control etc.
Eng./ Russ. Interpreter Courses
Academy of Science, Department of foreign languages, Certificate of Eng./ Russ. Interpreter

Tests, examinations

Chemical Laboratory: Operations, Equipments, Instruments, Quality & Safety
Masters. Consultancy, Solutions & Training, Dubai, UAE, Oil Chemisty
Halliburton, Baroid Drilling Fluids Technology Courses
Halliburton Training Center. Houston. USA, Drilling Fluids Technology

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter