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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than two weeks ago
Female, 32 years, born on 21 June 1992
Not looking for a job
Uralsk, willing to relocate (Aksay (Kazakhstan), Aktobe, Almaty, Astana, Atyrau, Кульсары, Uralsk), prepared for occasional business trips
The approximate area of the job search is specified
Chemical engineer
2 000 $ in hand
- Science specialist, researcher
Employment: full time, part time, project work, work placement
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, rotation based work
Work experience 13 years
April 2012 — currently
13 years
Kazakhstan, alm.kz.repetitors.info/backoffice/r.php?o=8815716
Lecturer in chemistry
Give a thorough knowledge of chemistry, will teach you to solve problems, to classes seriously, students, I was preparing for UNT, received a grant in universities.
August 2016 — June 2018
1 year 11 months
Almaty, www.galaksi.kz
Chemical Production, Fertilizers... Show more
chemical engineer
The implementation of technological processes on the electroplating line
Control technology for applying chemical coatings
Testing for the quantitative determination of the composition of the baths activities
Execution of tests stipulated by standards, technical conditions, technological regulations of production.
Monitors the proper condition of testing equipment, measuring instruments in laboratories and taking measures to eliminate faults reported to the head of the laboratory.
Makes the registration, the necessary calculations and record the results of tests in the laboratory logs in the prescribed form.
Timely and quality work for the preparation of solutions.
October 2017 — May 2018
8 months
Kazakh national university named al-Farabi
Almaty, www.kaznu.kz
Chemistry teacher
" Basic processes and devices of chemical technology»
April 2015 — December 2016
1 year 9 months
Almaty, www.galanz.kz
Food Products... Show more
Production technologist
Organization of production;
Writing technological processes
Control over observance of technological processes in production;
Technology of production of soft drinks
Preparation and adjustment of blends: determination of physico-chemical parameters of incoming raw materials (concentrate, sugar, citric acid), finished product (organoleptic, value, BX, acidity), development of new types of beverages, conversion of recipes, preparation of samples for tasting, establishing contacts with companies-suppliers of raw materials.
Possession of technological processes of making tea, kvass, energy drinks, lemonades
Report writing, preparation of applications for raw materials and delivery to the warehouse of finished products
Knowledge of 1C
Coordination of work in the blending Department
The implementation of a permanent control of food technology and blends the norms of a bookmark of raw materials and compliance with health requirements and personal hygiene
Knowledge of process equipment and principles of operation
Technological requirements to raw materials, materials, finished products.
Knowledge of the Rules and norms of labor protection, safety engineering, industrial hygiene and fire protection
The performance of individual service orders his immediate supervisor
February 2014 — December 2015
1 year 11 months
Research Institute of new chemical technologies and materials
Government Organizations... Show more
work with devices: IR, UV spectrometer, Chromatograph
Safety; Preparation of reagents, reactants, solutions of the analyzed work; analysis and calculation; completing logs and other documentation, etc.
September 2013 — September 2014
1 year 1 month
al-Farabi Kazakh national University
Almaty, www.kaznu.kz
Educational Institutions... Show more
Specialist of the laboratory of chemistry of natural connection
Performing laboratory tests on UV, IR spectrometer and other types of work in research and development.
Preparation of equipment (devices, equipment) for conducting experiments and verifying according to the developed instructions and other documentation.
Processing, classification and registration in accordance with the methodological documents results of analyses, tests, measurements, management of their accounting.
The resample data from the literature, bibliographic and informational publications, normative-technical documentation in accordance with established task.
Performing computational work associated with ongoing research and experiments.
The performance of individual service orders his immediate supervisor.
Skill proficiency levels
About me
Personal qualities: a leader who is able to make decisions (not always standard), strategic thinking; committed to innovation, fulfillment, and success; confident, demanding, able to plan and predict, persuasive, assertive. Good mathematical and analytical thinking. Stress resistance, commitment, honesty, determination, comprehensive development, ability to work in a team.
Responsibility for achieving results, ambition, communication skills, conflict-free, punctual, creative approach to problem solving and an analytical mind, openness to new ideas, ability to work in a team and to execute appropriate duties, work on the result, energy, reliability, accuracy and diligence. Without harmful habits.
Professional skills:
Programs: 1C, Microsoft Office
The organization of the lab from scratch
The creation of regulatory documents
Skills of interaction with regulatory authorities
Knowledge of laws, regulations and safety standards, norms of labor protection and ecology
The personnel management skills
Experience meeting
The calculation of the economic component of the product
Higher education (master)
faculty of chemistry and chemical technology, 6D073900 Ph.D of Petrochemistry
faculty of chemistry and chemical technology, 6M070800 Engineering of Oil and Gas
faculty of chemistry and chemical technology, 5B072100 Chemical Technology of Organic Substances
Professional development, courses
Synthesis and characterization of catalysts
Gazi university Ankara Turkey, Chemical engineering
Enerji teknolojileri: Yakıt Pili Teknolojileri
Niğde Ömer Halısdeöir üniversity Ankara Türkiye, Kimya mühendisliği
Fuel (overseas internship)
Lublin University of technology, Warsaw Poland, Fuel
Innovative technology and technology of drilling oil and gas wells
K. Satpayev Kazakh national technical University, Almaty Kazakhstan, Oil and gas
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: Kazakhstan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter