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Мужчина, 39 лет, родился 10 сентября 1985
Атырау, готов к переезду (Азербайджан, Аксай (Казахстан), Актау, Актобе, Алматы, Алтайский край, Амурская область, Архангельская область, Астраханская область, Атырау, Другие регионы, Республика Крым, Сахалинская область, Уральск, Ямало-Ненецкий АО), готов к командировкам
Указан примерный район поиска работы
Telecom engineer
- Инженер-конструктор, инженер-проектировщик
Занятость: полная занятость
График работы: полный день, вахтовый метод
Опыт работы 17 лет 7 месяцев
Сентябрь 2007 — по настоящее время
17 лет 7 месяцев
Нефть и газ... Показать еще
Senior Telecom analyst
Professional Experience and Achievements: Agip KCO N.V. Oct-2007 – June-2012
An Eni S.p.A subsidiary and one of the operator-agents of the world-class Oil and Gas development project “Kashagan” located in western Kazakhstan.
Telecommunication Engineer
Responsible for –
• Maintain the cabling network in all Agip KCO offices
- To keep data & voice cabling in a proper order
- Periodic testing of telecommunication system in accordance with the company’s ERP procedure
• Administer Agip KCO’s data & voice TCP/IP network devices
• Configuration and administration of the company telecommunication voice system
- To make all configuration of the company voice network on the user / system / trunk level support including: Name, Port, COR, COS, Database, EXT, User level features like call forward, pick-up, intercom, ISDN, IP, routing, system features, system code, etc.
- To make troubleshooting of the company’s voice network problem like a major alarming, traffic routing, system upgrading
• Assist with telecommunication equipment inventory and storage
- To create telecommunication equipment transition and moving plans
- To update user database before/after the moving process
• Supervising contracted activities in different locations
• Installation of various telecommunication equipment in both onshore and offshore locations
• Test and examine software and hardware to find out efficiency, reliability and compatibility with existing systems.
North Caspian Production Operations Company B.V. (NCPOC) JV Shell & KMG
Telecommunication Engineer a member of Filed Telecom team. (Handover group)
Telecommunication Engineer a member of Filed Telecom team. (Handover group)
Responsible for –
• Walkdowns activities and Dossier Reviews.
• Managing contractor personnel assigned at site thru the Telecommunication Maintenance and Support Contract.
• Examining Vendors documentation.
• Participate in Mechanical completion walkdown with commissioning team.
Maintenance telecom engineer on offshore facilities.
June-2012 - July-2014
Responsible for –
• Perform all maintenance activities, developed for the installation’s Communications Systems & Equipment in a safe manner, with the best working practise and in respect with scheduling programs;
• Following-up and controlling the testing and commissioning of new/modified equipment, systems and machinery;
• Providing support to Integrated Commissioning and Acceptance Team (ICAT) and Start-Up team. Participating in and assisting with the co-ordination of the Project’s performance test(s);
• Diagnosing faults and trends and taking or recommending appropriate corrective action;
• Improve knowledge of local and international codes and regulations regarding communications systems and equipment, including equipment certified for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.
• Participate all maintenance meetings and SAP workshops.
• Prepare notification and work orders for Maintenance Department through CMMS SAP BP.
• Prepare and issue for daily work orders schedule.
• Follow up for all work orders and record feedback in SAP BP.
• Provide maintenance department with all data related to material availability and PR status.
Material Order.
• Preparing technical reports for major activities.
• Prepare Daily/ Weekly report to reflect the major activities and KPI
• Provide workshop with all required technical details “drawings, data sheets, spare parts list and etc” in order to carry out maintenance activities.
• Provide required support to personnel in SAP, job.
• Prepare Work package for PMs,CMs contain all necessary information, drawings required.
• Prepare and review backlog reports and take necessary actions to achieve a minimum level of backlog.
• Enhancement of maintenance work instructions, creation of New Material Masters
• Site walkdowns in order to Prepare Notification, Work Order, Risk Assessment, PTW
Senior Telecommunication Engineer
July-2014 – Present
• Prepare and issue for daily work orders schedule.
• Prepare Daily/ Weekly report to reflect the major activities and KPI.
• Monitoring and Controlling all call traffic.
• Provide 2nd line support for Maintenance teams (onshore/offshore) regarding issue PBX system.
• Provide controlling the testing and commissioning of new/modified systems/equipment;
• Provide specialized expertise within the Offshore or Onshore Team, with respect to Telecommunication and Network equipment, to include the preparation of maintenance / inspection plan and spare parts selection.
• Monitor work in my area of responsibility, participate in all necessary workshops/meetings.
• Participate Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)
• Participate Site Acceptance testing (SAT)
• Authorised as a Technical authority and provide technical analysis for all telecom system for both sides (Onshore/Offshore)
Achievements include:
• Promoted to be a Telecom Engineer after a short period of time from a Junior Telecommunication Engineer’s position.
• Promoted to be a Senior Telecom Engineer after a short period of time from a Telecom Engineer Engineer’s position.
Work-specific Training Courses:
• System Administration of “Definity” Telephone Stations
• Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices 1-2.
• MultiVantage Administration
• IP telephony Advanced Implementation
• Shell MIE Maintenance Execution SAP Blueprint
Professional Online Courses:
• Install and Initialise S8300B Media Server Solutions (Assessment)
• Avaya Security Overview (Assessment)
• Avaya Aura” Communication Manager Basic Administration (Assessment)
• IP Telephony for Implement Curriculum Level (Assessment)
• Avaya Communication Manager Networking
Safety Courses:
• BOSIET – Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training
• H2S – Hydrogen Sulfide
• PWT – Permit to Work
• Industrial Safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan
• Work Safely at Heights
Уровни владения навыками
Обо мне
- Strategist, who transforms strategic plans into workable solutions and benchmarks performance against key operational targets/goals.
- Quick Learner: practical, adaptable and innovative. Works in different environments even where some hardship is involved.
Высшее образование
Знание языков
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения