Incident and Injury Free Coordinator
• Developing and Supporting IIF Culture on the Project
• Leading IIF trainings: IIF Induction and Living IIF in Action
• Developing project’s internal and JMJ sessions Metrics (with all details, including dates, participants, instructors, cost, etc.)
• Developing project’s general and yearly IIF plan
• Cooperation and interacting with JMJ company
• Arranging JMJ workshops on the Project
• Arranging and facilitating SGE and SGR ILT Meetings: developing and structuring Agenda for IIF Leadership Team Meetings
• Consulting Contractor companies on IIF issues
• Managing project’s and contractors’ personnel trainings database
• Organizing and conducting weekly Team Safety Meetings
• Conducting interview on safety and IIF topics with project's personnel and contractors as well on working sites
• Working out special safety, BBS, IIF contests and quizzes to develop motivation to work in safe conditions
• Monitoring Project’s personnel participation in BBS program, participating in BBS subcommittee
• Arranging different Safety and IIF Walk downs on working sites with participation of Project’s and Contractors’ Management: coaching participants on how to conduct walk downs
• Developing project’s IIF Walk Downs Metrics (including participants, positive and negative feedbacks, issues and solutions)
• Developing project’s Toolbox Talks Metrics (feedback, participants, issues, solutions)
• Developed “How to conduct Effective Toolbox Talk Bulletin” for site personnel
• Regularly attending Project’s Site Toolbox Talk and coach instructors on how to improve their performance
• Actively cooperate with contractor management and TCO Industrial Relationships Department in resolving IIF issues on site
• Keeping record of IIF gifts and prizes
• Maintaining Gifts Order and Distribution of large Milestones recognition at the Project
• Taking part in MCP IIF Coordinators Committee meetings
• Organizing awarding and recognition of personnel for achievements in frames of IIF and Safety, also awarding representatives of all the contractor companies for achieving such milestones as million man-hours without DAFW
• Taking part in organizing of MCP Annual IIF Forums
• Developing Project’s IIF Performance Presentation for Annual IIF Forum
• Developing quarterly project IIF Newsletter
• Developing MCP Quarterly IIF Newsletter
• Taking part in organization of MCP IIF Round table with participation of TCO Operations Department and MCP IIF Committee
• Actively interact with IIF Coaches on site, giving examples of how to conduct Coaching and developing a report form on Coaching
• Conducting different TCO Blitz Campaigns including OE Fatality Prevention topics and MCP IIF Committee Campaigns
• Providing BBS Coaching to improve quality of project’s observations
• Conducting interviews and participation in Pulse Survey along with JMJ
• Participation in arranging CHESM Forum 2016
• Developing Final IIF Lessons Learned document at the final stage of Plant Firewater Upgrade Project – the document is being used now by other TCO Major Capital Projects, published on TCO IIF Web site.
• Launched first Seasonal Gap Reduction Project Living IIF in Action Training - coached new instructors and helped to conduct their first trainings
• Developed “How to conduct an Effective Toolbox Talk Bulletin” for site personnel
• One of the Leaders of MCP IIF Steering Committee – Develop IIF Forum Scenarios, Round Tables Plan, Blitz-Campaigns Plans, etc.
• One of the Leaders of MCP BBS Steering Committee (generating BBS Day analysis, reporting and submitting it to BBS Group)
• Taking part in developing PFU project WRP check-list and in conducting questionnaire of contractors’ WRPs to determine their level of qualification for this position, which is now used throughout all TCO contractor companies
• Developing IIF Coaches’ Report Form for SGE and SGR projects
• Launched first SGR Living IIF in Action Training – coached new instructors and helped to conduct their first trainings
• Friendly relationships with colleagues and customers, ability to work with documents in English ( technical language as well), translating skills, managing personnel, ability to work in team and individually, stress tolerance, good organizational skills, high productivity, good planning, ability to go for business trips
• Programs awareness: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Fidelio, Opera, R- Keeper
• Ability to adapt to different working conditions